Better Data:

Cleaner, more comprehensive, highly accurate

  • Client historical data is collected and aggregated into highly actionable view of current hotel program environment
  • Data specialists guide and support colleciton of client historical spend data
  • All major 3rd party formats suppported
  • 360-degree view of hotel travel footprint from multiple data streams
  • Intelligent data-matching algorithms generate highest possible accuracy
  • Proven data aggregation processes and hotel industry expertise

It all starts with the data. Collection hotel spend data provides the raw material to build a highly effective hotel program. While others may be content to make decisions based on past experience and educated assumptions, Lodging Logistics collects our clients' data and sifts through it to build a highly actionable view of the current program environment.

Data Collection

The first step in developing a hotel sourcing strategy is data collection. Our exclusive Strategic Sourcing solution provides insight based on the client's historical data to allow development of strategic and tactical sourcing options. We collect data from all sources available: agency, card, expense, and supplier. ProLodgic supports all major 3rd party online booking tools, agency formats, and expense managements systems to make data collection as simple as possible. Your Analytics & Sourcing Manager will assist in the collection and organization of all these data sources, pulling them all together to develop a 360-degree view of the hotel travel footprint.

Data Matching

Once collected and organized the data must be sifted and distilled into an actionable view of the program environment. We have developed powerful data matching algorithms and data aggregation processes to organize those endless rows and columns into a clear concise picture of your hotel spend. Our exclusive data matching solutions employ ground-breaking "fuzzy logic" to achieve the highest possible accuracy in matching diverse data streams, extracting accurate hotel locations and facility names from seemingly incomprehensible spend data. Our advanced technology and industry expertise enables us to then zoom in on the important details that are often hidden in the original forms and reports.

Account Scope

To complete the picture, your Account Services Manager will conduct in-depth research to develop a comprehensive understanding of your travel culture. We will identify strategic program objectives and build on account profile with specific program goals and objectives.

The unique tools, proven processes, and unmatched industry expertise offered by Lodging Logistics implements the factors described above to create a powerful solicitation strategy certain to achieve your specific program objectives

Click here or more information on Strategic Sourcing