Strategic Sourcing (Data Analytics)

ProLodgic (RFP Automation)

Hotel Connects (Online Directory)

GEMS (GDS rate auditing)

PORT (ProLodgic Online Reporting Tool)

  • Rapid and effective negotiation process
  • Complete program transparency
  • Outstanding RFP response rates (94% and better)
  • 360 degree view of hotel travel footprint
  • Weekly status updates
  • Modular product tailored to specific needs
  • Proprietary clustering technology
  • Hotel spend analysis by region, country, city, cluster, and hotel
  • Detailed reporting of program outcomes and savings
  • Dedicated and highly responsive service delivery team

Strategic Sourcing

Strategic Sourcing Solutions goes beyond consulting to offer a step-by-step methodology for the complete sourcing of a corporate hotel program.  Streamlined processes, expert analytics, and innovative technology provide the power to maximize savings.  Constant feedback and regular status updates keep you informed, giving you peace of mind and freeing your time to handle other aspects of your travel program. 

Hotel Travel expenses are the second largest part of a corporation's cost structure, with air and hotel typically representing over 70% of T&E expenses. Defining a clear and effective travel strategy is critical to containing costs.

Lodging Logistics will break down your hotel data to gain a complete 360 degree look at your hotel travel footprint utilizing our hotel clustering technology. Where sufficient data is available to us for forecasting, we can create “target” rates to look at savings potential.  Depending on the type of data provided, there is potential to break down the company travel patterns even further to better understand the time of year your company is traveling, as well as the days of the week.  This data can be very useful to provide to hotels when negotiating with their property.  Clustering your hotel data, creating target rates, and analyzing your hotel travel footprint will allow us to design a strategic method for creating a solicitation list based on your company’s travel needs and savings potential.   Our Strategic Sourcing Report will be provided; including our recommended properties to solicit, savings potential based on those properties, and our strategy for our negotiation efforts.

During the solicitation and negotiation processes, weekly status updates will be provided, allowing you to keep your finger on the pulse of the program.  You will have full visibility of the program and the ability to make changes if needed.  Once the negotiation and renegotiation process is complete, we will provide our Acceptance Recommendations to you.  This report will demonstrate the savings that were generated at the property level, helping you determine the value each property adds to your hotel program.

Once the properties have been accepted, Acceptance Notifications and Rate Loading Instructions sent out, and vendor files delivered, we will provide you with a Hotel Analysis Report detailing the hotels in the preferred program, and illustrating the savings and value generated by the program.  We will also take an in-depth look at the Strategic process, provide you with our Program Overview, and discuss the Program outcome.

We provide constant feedback and complete transparency into the process and progress of your program.  We want you to have peace of mind by knowing how your hotel travel program is running, without the stress of managing all the details.  However; should you feel the need for more information and detail, we have the ability to provide you with additional reporting.  We are continually analyzing what we do, and looking for ways to improve our solutions and analytics, to ensure that we are constantly providing better results for our clients.