Travel Agencies

ProLodgic provides solutions for individual Account Managers who are involved with, or responsible for, hotel programs for a client. ProLodgic also offers the tools for Consulting Departments that provide hotel program services for multiple clients. The ProLodgic Collaborative Environment is accessible via the Internet. Nothing to install, nothing to download and no paper! ProLodgic addresses the needs of a hotel program in a manner that no other resource does. It provides the tools for managing the RFP process, implementation of the hotel program and management and measurement of the program.


ProLodgic connects account managers and hotel consulting departments directly with respective corporate clients facilitating a better understanding of customer requirements. During the Bid Process, corporate travel managers as assigned and account managers have free access to the ProLodgic Collaboration Environment to monitor the progress of hotel responses.

Account Manager

Prolodgic addresses the RFP needs of a hotel program in a manner that no other resource does. It provides the tools for managing the entire RFP process, implementation of the hotel program and management and measurement of the program. With the ProLodgic Collaboration Environment, account managers will be able to work collaboratively with clients on the development of their hotel programs or, by using the ProLodgic travel management tools, you can easily and completely develop the hotel program for your client.

    • RFP Process Management
    • Implementation of Hotel Program
    • Measurement and Management of Program throughout the Year

Hotel Consulting Department

ProLodgic Collaboration Environment provides the tools to manage hotel programs for multiple clients. These tools are available via the Internet and allow for complete automation of the annual RFP process as well as implementation, management and measurement of multiple hotel programs.

    • RFP Process Management
    • Implementation of Hotel Program
    • Measurement and Management of Program throughout the Year


  • Year-round, real-time management. A hotel program is ever evolving and ProLodgic does not pigeonhole a hotel program into a pre-set time of year.
  • Manage Multiple Accounts.
  • Improved Compliance.
  • Centralized database in real time.
  • Open platform.
  • Collaboration.
  • Ease of Management.
  • Research hotels, markets, chain intelligence reports and more.

What makes Lodging Logistics different from our competitors?

The most important distinction between our competitors and us is our focus. Lodging Logistics recognizes that the RFP process is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to achieving results from your hotel program. The biggest opportunity lies in the ability to manage your hotel program throughout the year and work collaboratively with all of your stakeholders in order to maximize your return on investment. Travel Managers told us that although it was helpful to streamline and automate the RFP process, the high cost of these outsourced solutions just didn't deliver the return on investment their company demanded. Lodging Logistics listened and created ProLodgic, the ONLY solution that allows a company to measure the return on investment by providing the tools to manage, implement and measure the entire hotel program.

What about hotels that do not have Internet access?

Within the last couple of years, most hotels have caught up with the rest of the world and now have Internet access. However, there are still hotels out there that do not have the capability to respond to RFPs via the Internet. These hotels can request manual forms to be faxed through our automated fax back system. The Lodging Logistics team ensures that this data is accurately entered into the ProLodgic database so that all of your data is in one central location.

What about a hotel directory? We have developed our own intranet directory. Can ProLodgic provide the data for us?

Yes. Your data can easily be generated into an electronic file feed compatible with the current GBTA format.

What do you mean by "collaboration"?

Increase the return on investment by working directly with all of your hotel program stakeholders-travel arrangers, hotels, hotel chain account managers, your travel management company and, most importantly, your travelers.

  • With Travel Managers and Arrangers within your company

ProLodgic lets you work collaboratively within your company and across your subsidiaries to develop a hotel program that addresses everyone's needs while adhering to the goals and objectives of your hotel program. All participating Travel Managers within your company can access the same data and work collaboratively in the decision making process.

  • With Hotels

The key to an effective hotel program is to work collaboratively with the hotels in your program to achieve your common objectives. ProLodgic connects you with the hotels in your program during the Bid Process and throughout the year to maximize your results. Check out Hotel to learn more.

  • With Hotel Chain National Sales Offices

National Account Managers play an important role in your hotel program. As a liaison between you and their hotels, your account manager can be very influential in the success of your hotel program. ProLodgic connects you directly with your account managers and allows them to better understand your needs and help you maximize the results of your program. Check out Hotel Chain to learn more.

  • With your Travel Management Company

Your travel management company plays an integral role in the success of your hotel program. ProLodgic integrates your account manager and agents with your hotel program. Agents will be able to have live access to your hotel program, report rate-loading problems and make suggestions based on traveler feedback. Check out Travel Management Company to learn more.

  • With Your Business Travelers

Without the input of your travelers who are supposed to use the hotel program on a daily basis, your hotel program is sure to fall far short of your goals. Your travelers have live access to your preferred hotel directory. Travelers can also provide feedback regarding hotel experiences and suggest new hotels. You can also create easy online surveys to get input about your hotel program. 

Subscription Information

Global Innsight Subscription Level.
Maximize your return-on-investment with the full complement of tools designed to help you better manage your corporate lodging expenses. Ongoing measurement and management of your hotel program will help you achieve your goals and objectives from RFP process management to implementation of your hotel program.

Global Innsight Value Proposition

  • Collaboration Environment
  • RFP Process Management Tools
  • Automated Bid Scoring for Evaluation and Decision-Making
  • Extranet hosted Preferred Rate Directory
  • Traveler Feedback System
  • Balanced Scorecard Reporting
  • Customized online Survey System
  • Trend and Utilization Analysis Reporting
  • Annual Program Review and Analysis
Corporate Innsight Subscription Level.
Corporate Innsight is designed to assist companies with evolving hotel programs. This service level provides the tools necessary to more effectively manage the negotiation process and implementation of a hotel program.

  • Corporate Innsight Value Proposition
  • Collaboration Environment
  • RFP Process Management Tools
  • Automated Bid Scoring for Evaluation and Decision-Making
  • Extranet hosted Preferred Rate Directory
  • Traveler Feedback System
RFP Direct Innsight Subscription Level.
RFP Direct is designed for companies who have smaller hotel program needs or limited budgets yet desire the automation tools for the RFP management process. 

Express Bid Value Proposition

  • Collaboration Environment
  • RFP Process Management Tools
  • Automated Bid Scoring for Evaluation and Decision-Making

For additional subscription information, contact Lodging Logistics at or call (281) 545-3000.